Mendeley is a free reference manager which can be accessed online or via a desktop app. Mendeley lets you create, store, and manage your own reference libraries, and collaborate with other researchers via shared 'Groups'. Mendeley also offers social media functions for researchers.
This guide is a starting point for Monash Health professionals on populating and managing Mendeley, finding full text, and managing citations. If you require information not covered in this guide contact
Creating a Mendeley Account
Further help and support
Visit the Mendeley website for help and information on installing and using the plugin.
Adding new items to your Mendeley Library
You can add new references in 4 ways:
1. Manually add
2. Importing references from literature searching databases
After searching for literature in a database such as Ovid Medline, you can export your search results and add them to your Mendeley library.
For more information about exporting from databases, see our 1-page guide.
3. Importing a library from another reference manager
Mendeley can import libraries in these file types: RIS (.ris), BibTeX (.bib), and EndNote XML (.xml). When exporting from another reference manager -- such as EndNote or Zotero -- select one of these three file types to ensure that the library will be compatible with Mendeley.
Note: PDFs files are not included in this process. You will need to add the PDFs to Mendeley separately.
4. Mendeley web importer
Import papers, web pages and other documents directly from search engines into your library. The Mendeley Web Importer plugin is available for all major web browsers.
1. Launch the web importer on your browser
2. Sign in
3. Select references to import
4. Add to Mendeley Library
Further instructions, information, and support can be located on the Mendeley website.
PDFs and other files can be attached to citations within the Mendeley library.
Adding a PDF to create a reference.
In the desktop Mendeley, PDFs can be added to create citations. Click Add File from the File tab to add a single PDF or click add folder to add a folde rof multiple PDFs. Mendeley will take the PDFs and create citations from the PDF file.
PDFs can be added to Mendeley by dragging the file to the Mendeley desktop window. It will then create a citation based on the information from the PDF. You can also add a folder of PDFs to create multiple citations by dragging the folder into the Mendeley desktop window.
Adding a PDF to an existing reference
Files, including PDFs can be added to references. Click on the reference and click (+) next to the Files section, then add the PDF file to the referencing.
Manging References
Mendeley automatically sorts added and imported references into the following categories:
Recently Added - Displays the references added to your library in the last 30 days.
Recently Read - Displays the references for PDFs opened in the last 30 days.
Favorites - ‘Star’ a reference to automatically add it to your ‘Favorites’ collection.
My Publications - This collection displays the publications that you have authored and claimed through the Scopus Author Profile.
Trash - Displays the references that you have deleted from your library.
Manual Organisation
In Mendeley, citation records can be manually organised into collections by clicking New Collection under the Collections tab on the left side of the screen.
Type the name for your collection file and tap enter to create.
Once the collection file is created, drag added or imported citations into the file.
Citation records can be marked with tags. These can be created in the Tag tab for each citation. A citation record can have multiple tags. The tags can be searched for in the search bar at the bottom left corner of the screen. Be careful when creating tags, they are case sensitive.
Setting up a Group
To share a library in Mendeley, a group needs to be created.
1. Click New Group and type in a name.
2. Once the group has been created, members can be invited to join.
3.Enter the email addresses on a separate line in the box and click send invites.
4. Once a person has accepted the invite, they are part of the group and can access references.
Sharing References
To share references,
1. Select reference and then organise at the bottom of the screen.
2. There are three options, add to collection, add to group and remove from collection.
3. Select add to group and the references will then available to everyone in the group.
Collections can also be created within groups. To create a collection in a group,
1.Click the three dots next to the group.
2.Click new collection and enter the collection name.
3. To add references to a group collection select the references, then click organise.
4. Click add to group, the group will also include the group's collections underneath.
5. Select the collection to add the references to and click add.
The Mendeley Cite Plugin allows you to cite and reference materials in your Mendeley library. You can cite as you write and update your bibliography at the same time. This plugin is compatible with Microsoft Word or Libre Office on Windows or Mac.
!! NOTE: This plugin is currently not available on Monash Health devices due to IT restrictions. You would have to have to have Mendeley installed on a personal device to utilise this feature.
How to Use:
You will need to have installed the Mendeley Reference Manager before you can install the Mendeley Citation Plugin. Installing the Mendeley Cite plugin will add a "Mendeley" tab under the references tab in the top toolbar of Microsoft Word.
To install on your personal device:
Once installed, look for the 'Mendeley Cite' button under the References tab in Word. Click on the icon to begin inserting in-text citations and references.
To add citations to a document:
To add a reference list or bibliography:
Additional Cite options:
The tab opens on the right hand side of the document and contains the following options:
Citation Settings
More information on Mendeley Cite here
Monash Health Library provides educational resources, group training, webinars and individual consultations on evidence based practice including guidance on literature searching, appraising and managing search results.
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