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Therapeutic GuidelinesClick here to chat with a librarian

The Therapeutic Guidelines (formerly known as eTG Complete) provide peer-reviewed clinical guidelines to health practitioners for managing patients with specific conditions. Treatment guidelines emphasise pharmacological treatment, though non-pharmacological treatments are also covered. All common disorders are covered by the guidelines, with the information provided based on current evidence and opinion.


Browsing the Therapeutic Guidelines

  • The main list of Therapeutic Guideline subjects are to the left of the home page
  • Within each subject category is a series of related topics:
  • Each topic consists of further sub-topics, which typically include an Overview or Introduction, as well as Key References

Within these sub-topics, you can:

  • Search for terms within the page
  • Navigate through the Table of Contents at the left
  • Expand and collapse sections
  • Navigate to other topics with links in the text

Information on medication is contained within blue panels, which indicate the generic name, dose, route of administration, and frequency

For an introduction to Therapeutic Guidelines watch the video below.

Register for an individual token to use the app

  • Click here to Register for a Therapeutic Guidelines token.
  • Enter your details
  • You will then receive an email with the token included. 
  • Instructions on how to activate the subscription are included in the email.

Please note:

  • This token is designed for a single use on a single device. If you replace your device, contact to have your token reset.
  • The token is tied to your email address, and only one token may be registered per email.
  • Your app access will need to be renewed annually.
  •  A new token is required at each renewal. You will be sent a reminder email with these instructions when renewal is required. 


Install the mobile app

  1. Download the Therapeutic Guidelines app using the Apple and Google buttons above.
  2. Go through the usual steps to install the app
  3. Choose ‘Institutional user login’ from the two options on the screen
  4. Log in using your email and your individual token.

Follow step by step instructions to set up account and the mobile app below.

Or click here to watch a demonstration.

Renew your Token

If you've previously registered for a Therapeutic Guidelines app token, it needs to be renewed annually.

Download content for offline use 

The Therapeutic Guidelines app content can be fully downloaded to your device for offline use. To do this click on the Cloud icon on the top banner of the app front page. 

Use offline mode

The Therapeutic Guidelines app content can be accessed for offline use. To do this: 

  1. After downloading the app app, click on the stacked icon on the top left hand banner of the app front page.

  2. Choose settings and click – use app offline to select it.

  3. Click save

  4. You will be prompted to download new content when guidelines are updated

Quick Links

Antibiotic prescribing in primary care Summary Table - This table summarises information in Therapeutic Guidelines about the management of common conditions in primary care. 

Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis Summary Table - This table summarises information in Therapeutic Guidelines about the indications and first-line regimens for surgical antibiotic prophylaxis.

Patient Information - Patient Information in PDF form for easy distribution. 

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding - Information about Drug use for pregnant and breastfeeding patients.

Calculators -  Body surface area calculator, Creatinine clearance calculator for adults, Ideal body weight calculator, Lean body weight calculator, Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) calculator for children 

Browsing the Drug Index

Click on the Drug Index button to search for drugs by their generic names. A drop-down list of the drug and its recommended indications will appear.

Choose the drug and its indication, to be taken to the topic information where the drug appears as a recommendation

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